MAGCAT 1.1 Release Notes 4/20/92 MagCat is a magazine article cataloging program and is being distributed as shareware. MagCat provides a method of cataloging all of the magazine articles, books, files, and other pieces of information lying about in a form that allows fast searching for information based on keywords. Information kept about articles includes the article name, its location, a short description about the article, and a list of keywords used to search for the article. A database is created to contain all of the information about the articles. This database is accessed via three windows. The Article window displays all of the articles in the database. It can display the locations, keywords, and descriptions of each article and allows searching. The Location window displays all of the unique locations where articles are stored along with how many articles are stored in each location. The Keyword window displays all of the keywords and the number of times each keyword has been used. Multiple databases may be open at the same time to allow easy viewing of different databases. Articles may be imported and exported from other databases. The entire database or just the results of a search may be printed. Searches are performed using the Article window. Articles may be searched by locations and keywords. All articles that match the search criteria are displayed in the article window. Their locations and descriptions may be displayed to help determine which articles are the most appropriate. Requirements MagCat is a Microsoft Windows application and requires Windows 3.0 or above. It requires Windows to be run in either Standard or Enhanced mode. The program, help file, and DLL (magcat.exe, magcat.hlp, and magcatdb.dll) must be in the same directory. The data files may be anywhere (including the same directory). The .ini file may be in either the Windows directory or the same directory as the executables. If the .INI file does not exist, it will be created in the Windows directory. Files You should have the following files. magcat.exe - the main application magcat.hlp - help data magcatdb.dll - helper functions readme.txt - this file history.txt - MagCat change history install.exe - installs the application to a hard disk magcat.inf - information file used during installation sample.dat - sample database to get a feel for using MagCat Installation Run the Install program from Windows. It will copy the software from the distribution diskette into the directory you specify and create the program manager group. If you downloaded this software from a BBS, place all of the files in the same directory and run the Install program. It will install the files from this directory into the new directory you specify. If this program is run from a network, a magcat.ini file should be placed in the Windows directory of each PC that will run the application, and the magcat.ini file in the MagCat installation directory should be deleted. This allows each user the ability to save their own individual settings. Documentation A complete help system is included. It describes each command and describes how to perform common operations. Help can be accessed in the following ways: - Use the Help menu to select help on various topics - Most dialog boxes contain a Help button - Pressing Shift-F1 changes the cursor to a Help pointer. The next object that you click on will display help on that object. A printed and bound manual is included in the registration fee. Registration This program is being distributed as shareware. If you make use of this software you are expected to pay a registration fee of $30.00. Registration entitles you to a disk with the next version of the software, a registration number, a printed manual, and notice of updates to the software. Future versions of this software are available to registered users at a significant discount. Contact us for site licensing information. We can be reached with electronic mail via: CIS 70406,415 BIX JDAGOSTINO GENIE J.DAGOSTINO2 America Online JDSSYS Upon receipt of your registration fee you will receive a registration number. You will also receive a disk with the next version of the software and a printed manual. Registered users will also receive notices of updates and will be able to upgrade to future versions at a significant discount. You may use the following order form or print the one in the MagCat help file. Name _______________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________ Qty Unit Price Total ______ MagCat Version 1.1 $30.00 ________ (New Jersey residents include current sales tax) ________ Total ________ Disk Size 5 1/4 (1.2M) ______ 3 1/2 (720K) ______ Make check or money order payable to JDS Systems. Mail completed order form and check or money order (US funds only) to: JDS Systems PO Box 997 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054-0997 We would like to hear your comments on ways we can improve the program. Comments_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________